Review Process
Our editorial team performs a primary assessment of each submitted manuscript based on the interest, timeliness and importance of the topic, the use of the scientific method, presentation clarity and relevance to readers.
If the submitted manuscript is considered suitable to be sent to peer review, it will be reviewed by members of the IJEEE’s editorial board or other equally reputable specialists. These individuals are recruited by the editorial team based on their expertise and standing in their field. Reviewers are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to provide an unbiased review of an article.
Types of Peer Review
Peer review is designed to assess the quality, validity and often the originality of articles for publication. Its ultimate purpose is to maintain the integrity of science by filtering out invalid or poor quality articles. The peer review system can be divided to single blind, double blind and triple blind review.
In this type of review, the names of the reviewers are hidden from the author. This is the traditional method of reviewing and is the most common type by far. Points to consider regarding single blind review include:
- Reviewer anonymity allows for impartial decisions – the reviewers should not be influenced by the authors.
- Authors may be concerned that reviewers in their field could delay publication, giving the reviewers a chance to publish first.
- Reviewers may use their anonymity as justification for being unnecessarily critical or harsh when commenting on the authors’ work.
Double-Blind Review
Both the reviewer and the author are anonymous in this model. Some advantages of this model are listed below.
- Author anonymity limits reviewer bias, for example based on an author’s gender, country of origin, academic status or previous publication history.
- Articles written by prestigious or renowned authors are considered on the basis of the content of their papers, rather than their reputation.
But bear in mind that despite the above, reviewers can often identify the author through their writing style, subject matter or self-citation – it is exceedingly difficult to guarantee total author anonymity. More information for authors can be found in our double-blind peer review guidelines.
With triple-blind review, reviewers are anonymous and the author’s identity is unknown to both the reviewers and the editor. Articles are anonymized at the submission stage and are handled in such a way to minimize any potential bias towards the author(s). However, it should be noted that:
- the complexities involved with anonymizing articles/authors to this level are considerable
- as with double-blind review; there is still a possibility for the editor and/or reviewers to correctly divine the author’s identity from their style, subject matter, citation patterns or a number of other methodologies.
The peer review process in IJEEE is a Single-Blinded Review.
The review process is shown in the below figure.