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Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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Volume 13, Number 4 (2017-12)
Decentralized Control Strategy for Optimal Energy Management in Grid-Connected and Islanded DC Microgrids
An Online Q-learning Based Multi-Agent LFC for a Multi-Area Multi-Source Power System Including Distributed Energy Resources
Cooperative Decision Making of DERs in a Joint Energy and Regulation Market in Presence of Electric Vehicles
2D Analytical Modeling of Magnetic Vector Potential in Surface Mounted and Surface Inset Permanent Magnet Machines
A New Non-linear Control of the Four-Leg Inverter with Decoupled Model and Fast Dynamic Response for PV Generation Systems
Generalized Switched-Inductor Based Buck-Boost Z-H Converter
A New N-Level Inverter Based on Z-NPC
Interference Mitigation of Replay Attacks in GPS Receiver using of Finite Impulse Response Filter
A Comparison between Different Meta-Heuristic Techniques in Power Allocation for Physical Layer Security
Utilizing Kernel Adaptive Filters for Speech Enhancement within the ALE Framework
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