- Lyapunov-Based Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Active Power Filter
Somayeh Rajabi, Hadi Chahkandi Nejad, Majid Reza Naseh - Design of the PD-FOPID Controller Based on Rain Optimization Algorithm to Improve Virtual Inertia Control Performance in Islanded Microgrids
Farhad Amiri, Mohammad H. Moradi - A New Procedure Based on Continuous RTU Measurement to Estimate Multi-port Thevenin Equivalent Circuit Parameters of an External Power System
Nabiollah Ramezani, Mohsen Shahnazdoost Kilvaei - A Dynamic Control Approach for AC Micro-Grids Including Non-Inverter and Inverter Based Energy Resources
Zahra Mobini-Serajy, Mehdi Radmehr, Alireza Ghorbani - Advancements and Optimisation Strategies in Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (BIPVT) Systems
Mon Prakash Upadhyay, Arjun Deo, Ajitanshu Vedratnam - Modeling and simulation of piezoelectric-based train-induced vibration energy harvester railway track monitoring system
Shuvojit Kundu, Tuhel Ahmed, JIA UDDIN - The Effect of Photoplethysmography Signal Denoising on Compression Quality
Mohammadreza Alizadeh Aliabadi, Mohsen Karimi, Zahra Karimi, Mehrdad soheili Fard - DRL-based Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation in Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligence Surface 6G Systems
Mousa Abdollahvand, Sima Sobhi-givi - Generator Rescheduling Based Congestion Management in Power System Deregulation Using the Cheetah Optimization
Sajal Debbarma, Dipu Sarkar - Enhancing Misalignment Tolerance in Inductive Power Transfer System to Maintain Stable Power Transfer and Improve the Efficiency for Battery Charging
Mostafa Jalalian-Ebrahimi, M. A. Shamsi-Nejad - Voltage Difference-Based Field-Weakening Control of Double-Rotor Hybrid Excitation Axial Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Motor
Mehrdad Kamali, Behrooz Rezaeealam, Farhad Rezaee-Alam - Exploring the Potential of Cloud Fertilization through Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Analysis
Seyed Hosein mousavi, Aslan Nouri Moqadam - Enhancing Load frequency control in power systems using Puma Optimizer – Proportional Integral Derivative Method
Trung Kien Do, Thanh Long Duong - The Lightning Protection Assessment of Distribution Lines with Considering Frequency Grounding System
Aida Gholami, Masume Khodsuz, Valiollah Mashayekhi
- Year 2025
- Year 2025
- Year 2024
- Year 2023
- Year 2022
- Year 2021
2024/03/09 - 2024 Special Issue on Applications of Deep Learning in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2023/12/23 - Wrap-up 2023
2022/07/27 - 3rd International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering
2022/05/31 - Extended - Special Issue on "Electricity Markets Design, Operation, and Control"
2022/05/31 - Extended - Microgrid Special Issue 2022: Operation, Control, and Applications
2022/05/26 - 3rd International Workshop on Electrical Power and Energy Systems Safety, Security and Resilience
2021/12/25 - 5th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control Engineering (ICECC 2022)
2021/11/14 - Artificial Intelligence in Communication Engineering, Theory & Applications
2021/09/06 - Special Issue on "Electricity Markets Design, Operation, and Control"
2021/08/20 - Microgrid Special Issue 2022: Operation, Control, and Applications
In-Progress Issue
This issue is in progress but contains articles that are final and fully citable.
- Mythology Study and Comparison for Quadratic DC-DC Step-up Converters
ZAHRAA TALIB - BIMLP Model Based on Deep Learning for Predicting Electrical Load Demand
Somayeh Talebzadeh, Reza Radfar, Abbas Toloei Ashlaghi - Efficient Tactile Perception in Robotics: Reducing Data Redundancy through Compression and Normalization in Spiking Convolutional Graph Networks
Elahe Rezaee Ahvanooii, Sheis Abolmaali
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2025، Volume 21، Number 1
- Online ISSN: 1735-2827
- Director-in-Charge: Dr. Davood Younesian
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mohammad Reza Daliri
- Publisher: Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)
Indexing Databases
- Prof. Mohammad Reza Mosavi - Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Mr. Hamid Karimi, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran.
- Dr. Mehdi Asadi, Arak University of Technology, Arak, Iran.
- Prof. Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Dr. Reza Omidi, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
- Dr. Adel Zakipour, Arak University of Technology, Arak, Iran.
- Dr. Amin Janghorbani, Campus of New Sciences and Technologies, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
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