Volume 21, Issue 2 (Special Issue on the 1st International Conference on ELECRiS 2024 Malaysia - June 2025)                   IJEEE 2025, 21(2): 3587-3587 | Back to browse issues page

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YAHYA Y, Shariffuddin N S, Hisyam Jarail M K, Maizana D, Alhamrouni I, Rahmat M K. Analysis of Flux Density Distribution Effects on Rotor Bar Models to Improve Energy Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, and Economic Outcomes in Induction Motors. IJEEE 2025; 21 (2) :3587-3587
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-3587-en.html
Abstract:   (211 Views)
Induction motors are highly favored in industrial applications for their ease of operation, compactness, lightweight, efficiency, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. They are widely used in conveyors, compressors, crushers, drills, fans, escalators, refrigerators, and electric vehicles. In Malaysia, industrial motors account for about 48% of energy consumption. This research introduces an improved rotor design with optimized rotor bars. Using MotorSolve (IM) software and theoretical calculations, the study found that the new design boosts energy efficiency. The new rotor bar design achieved an energy efficiency of 76.92%, compared to 74% for the current design. In terms of energy efficiency, this research found that adopting high-efficiency motors in industrial applications can save a significant amount of energy. These motors can also be used in a variety of horsepower ranges. The research suggests a maintenance plan for malfunctioning motors that attempts to reduce energy consumption, motor losses, and CO2 emissions in any apparatus. These results offer valuable insights for policymakers to refine energy policies for induction motors. In the future, real-time estimation of the motor's actual operating loss will be required to properly predict the trend in motor efficiency loss under various failure scenarios, which is consistent with the research goal of reducing energy losses in induction motors.
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Type of Study: Only For Articles of ELECRiS 2024 | Subject: Electrical Drives
Received: 2024/12/06 | Revised: 2025/03/11 | Accepted: 2025/02/23

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