Volume 21, Issue 2 (Special Issue on the 1st International Conference on ELECRiS 2024 Malaysia - June 2025)                   IJEEE 2025, 21(2): 3646-3646 | Back to browse issues page

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RUSLI J R, Syahirin Danial Noor Shahrin M, Binti Che Abdu Patah N I, Ahmad I, Mohamad Maharum S M, Izwan Safie S. Development of a Digital Stethoscope for Enhancing Real-Time Respiratory Diagnostics. IJEEE 2025; 21 (2) :3646-3646
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-3646-en.html
Abstract:   (149 Views)
Digital stethoscopes represent a significant advancement in medical diagnostics, addressing the limitations of traditional auscultation methods, which often suffer from diagnostic delays and inefficient workflows. This digital stethoscope facilitates real-time diagnosis through machine learning and remote monitoring, utilizing the ESP32’s ADC and Wi-Fi capabilities to wirelessly send audio data to a remote server for comprehensive analysis. By integrating modern technologies such as the ESP32 microcontroller and the MAX9814 microphone module, these devices capture and transmit high-fidelity respiratory sounds, overcoming the challenges of imprecision and time lag in conventional methods. Initial tests have demonstrated the device's ability to capture clear respiratory sounds, underscoring its potential for effective remote health monitoring and telemedicine. These improvements aim to enhance diagnostic accuracy, facilitate early diagnosis, and ultimately improve patient outcomes, showcasing the significant potential of digital stethoscopes to transform respiratory diagnostics and patient care, particularly in remote and telemedicine settings. In this research, a prototype of a digital stethoscope for respiratory diagnostics was developed and evaluated. The obtained results from the prototype measurements demonstrated that the proposed system could be a solid starting point for the actual implementation of an advanced respiratory monitoring system.
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Type of Study: Only For Articles of ELECRiS 2024 | Subject: Biomedical Signal & Image Processing
Received: 2024/12/26 | Revised: 2025/03/14 | Accepted: 2025/02/22

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