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XML A Unified Framework for Delineation of Ambulatory Holter ECG Events via Analysis of a Multiple-Order Derivative Wavelet-Based Measure
M. R. Homaeinezhad, A. Ghaffari, H. Najjaran Toosi, M. Tahmasebi, M. M. Daevaeiha
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Calculation of Stray Capacitances of MCG Coil include One Turn, Single-Layer and Conductor Wire Filaments in Rectangular form
M. Mosleh, M. R. besmi
Abstract -   Full Text (DOC)
XML Design Optimization for 4.1-THZ Quantum Cascade Lasers
M. Moravvej-Farshi, F. Esmailifard, K. Saghafi
Abstract -   Full Text (DOC)
XML Improving Voltage Stability Margin Using Voltage Profile and Sensitivity Analysis by Neural Network
M. Aghamohammadi, S. S. Hashemi, M. S. Ghazizadeh
Abstract -   Full Text (DOC)
XML Investigation and Control of Unstable Chaotic Behavior Using of Chaos Theory in Two Electrical Power Systems: 1-Buck Converter2- Power Transformer
H. Abbasi, A. Gholami, A. Abbasi,
Abstract -   Full Text (DOC)
XML An Optimal Design Approach for Resistive and Inductive Superconducting Fault Current Limiters via MCDM Techniques
H. Heydari, R. Sharifi
Abstract -   Full Text (DOC)
XML Controlling Both the DC Boost and AC Output Voltage of Z-Source Inverter Using Neural Network Controller with Minimization of Voltage Stress Across Devices
D. Arab Khaburi, H. Rostami
Abstract -   Full Text (DOC)
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