International Conference On Renewable Energy Technologies (ICRET 2022)
| Post date: 2021/07/02 |
2022 The 8th International Conference On Renewable Energy Technologies (ICRET 2022) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during January 7-9, 2022. It focuses on timely and emerging topics of tnterest to the renewable energy technologies that provides an opportunity for in-depth exchange of research ideas in an informal environment. To encourage discussion and dissemination of the latest research developments, early-stage work, and possibly controversial results, workshops, the conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.
A. Clean and Renewable Energy
- Energy-Saving Technology
- New Energy Applications
- New Energy Materials and Devices
- Photovoltaic Systems and Solar Energy Engineering
- Renewable Energy Utilizations
- Wind Energy Systems
B. Power and Energy Engineering
- Electricity Networks of the Future
- Energy Storage Technologies and Devices
- Power and Energy Generation
- Energy Transmission and Distribution
- Power Systems and Automation
- Fault monitoring and Predictive Maintenance
Important dates:
- Submission Deadline: July 20, 2021
- Notification Date: August 15, 2021
- Registration Deadline: August 30, 2021
- Listener Registration: January 5, 2022
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