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Showing 1 results for Area Reduction

S. Abolmaali,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Area reduction of a circuit is a promising solution for decreasing the power consumption and the chip cost. Timing constraints should be preserved after a delay increase of resized circuit gates to guarantee proper circuit operation. Sensitization of paths should also be considered in timing analysis of circuit to prevent pessimistic resizing of circuit gates. In this work, a greedy area reduction algorithm is proposed which is path-based and benefits well from viability analysis as the sensitization method. A proper metric based on viability conditions is presented to guide the algorithm towards selecting useful circuit nodes to be resized with acceptable performance and area reduction results. Instead of using gate slacks in resizing the candidate gates, all circuit gates are down-sized first and then the sizes of circuit gates that violate the circuit timing constraint are increased. This approach leads to considerable improvement in the complexity and performance of the proposed method. Results show that area improvement of about 88% is achievable. Comparison to a pessimistic method also reveals that on average 14.2% growth in area improvement is obtained by the presented method.

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