Tiwari S P. A Dependable Protection Scheme for Electrical Vehicle Integrated Microgrid Considering Stressed Fault Scenarios and Dissimilar Fault Inceptions. IJEEE 2024; 20 (1) :43-55
Abstract: (1188 Views)
In recent years, due to the widespread applications of DC power-based appliances, the researchers attention to the adoption of DC microgrids are continuously increasing. Nevertheless, protection of the DC microgrid is still a major challenge due to a number of protection issues, such as pole-to-ground and pole-to-pole faults, absence of a zero crossing signal, magnitude of the fault current during grid-connected and islanded mode, bidirectional behaviour of converters, and failure of the converters due to enormous electrical stress in the converter switches which are integrated in the microgrid. Failure of the converter switches can interrupt the charging of the electrical vehicles in the charging stations which can affect transportation facilities. In addition to the above mentioned issues protection of the DC microgrid is more challenging when fault parameters are varying due to dissimilar grounding conditions and varying operational dynamics of the renewable sources of energy. Motivated by the above challenges a support vector machine and ensemble of k-nearest neighbor based protection scheme has been proposed in this paper to accurately detect and classify faults under both of the modes of operation. Results in the section 5 indicate that performance of the protection scheme is greater as compared to other algorithms.