Volume 8, Issue 3 (September 2012)                   IJEEE 2012, 8(3): 243-258 | Back to browse issues page

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Tootoonchian F, Abbaszadeh K, Ardebili M. Novel Axial Flux Brushless Resolver Analysis and Optimization Using 3D Finite Element and d-q Model Method. IJEEE 2012; 8 (3) :243-258
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-434-en.html
Abstract:   (8358 Views)
Resolvers are widely used in electric driven systems especially in high precision servomechanisms. Both encapsulated and pancake resolvers suffer from a major drawback: static eccentricity (SE). This drawback causes a significant increase in resolver output position error (RPE) which could not be corrected electronically. To reduce RPE, this paper proposes a novel structure with axial flux. Proposed topology, design guidelines, optimization procedure and several key features to improve the sensitivity of axial flux resolver (AFR) against SE are studied. Furthermore, to minimize RPE an optimized design is attained. The machines are investigated in detail by using d-q model and 3D time stepping finite-element analysis. The results of theses two methods are compared and both prototype machines (proposed and optimized) are built. In order to evaluate proposed topologies, an experimental test setup is devised. Finally, the experimental results of the prototype machines verified the analysis results.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Special Electric Machines
Received: 2011/09/24 | Revised: 2013/07/07 | Accepted: 2013/07/07

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