The main objective of this paper is to model and optimize the parallel and relatively complex FuzzyP+FuzzyI+FuzzyD (FP+FI+FD) controller for simultaneous control of the voltage and frequency of a micro-grid in the islanded mode. The FP+FI+FD controller has three parallel branches, each of which has a specific task. Finally, as its name suggests, the final output of the controller is derived from the algebraic summation of the outputs of these three branches. Combining the basic features of a simple PID controller with fuzzy logic that leads to an adaptive control mechanism, is an inherent characteristic of the FP+FI+FD controller. This paper attempts to determine the optimal control gains and Fuzzy membership functions of the FP+FI+FD controller using an improved Salp swarm algorithm (ISSA) to achieve its optimal dynamic response. The time-domain simulations are carried out in order to prove the superb dynamic response of the proposed FP+FI+FD controller compared to the PID control methods. In addition, a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) stability analysis is performed to ensure the robust control characteristic of the proposed parallel fuzzy controller.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |
Fuzzy Systems Received: 2019/05/25 | Revised: 2019/11/13 | Accepted: 2019/11/29