Volume 18, Issue 1 (March 2022)                   IJEEE 2022, 18(1): 2082-2082 | Back to browse issues page

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Khalili M, Namdari F, Rokrok E. A Novel Protection Method for UPFC Compensated Transmission Line Based on Cooperative Game Theory. IJEEE 2022; 18 (1) :2082-2082
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-2082-en.html
Abstract:   (2743 Views)
This paper presents a new single-end scheme to locate and protect faults on the compensated transmission line using the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). The UPFC controllers have remarkable effects on the transient and steady-state components of the voltage and current signals. First of all, this study evaluates the impact of UPFC on Traveling Waves (TW) that pass through the UPFC location. Following that, the effects of UPFC’s harmonic on conventional protections will be investigated using the TW theory. A single-end method will be presented in the next stage to protect and locate the faults on the compensated transmission lines with UPFC. Moreover, an extraction technique (i.e., Discrete Wavelet Transform [DWT]) is used to process the current and voltage signals. As a branch of mathematics, cooperative game is employed in this study to represent the strategic interaction of different players in a context by predefined rules and outcomes. Additionally, this study made use of this theory to distinguish the extracted TWs from each other. The proposed method is assessed considering different fault situations with great variations in operating conditions accompanied by a UPFC placed at the midpoint of the line.
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  • A novel single-end protection scheme for the compensated transmission line based on traveling waves;
  • impact of UPFC on traveling waves passing through a connection point of UPFC;
  • The effect of UPFC's harmonic and switching on traveling wave-based protection;
  • This article employed the game theory to discriminate the detected traveling waves.

Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Fault Location
Received: 2021/01/05 | Revised: 2021/03/20 | Accepted: 2021/04/07

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