Shams Esfand Abadi M, Shafiee M. A Family of Variable Step-Size Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithms Using Statistics of System Impulse Response. IJEEE 2013; 9 (1) :27-35
Abstract: (7068 Views)
This paper presents a new variable step-size normalized subband adaptive filter (VSS-NSAF) algorithm. The proposed algorithm uses the prior knowledge of the system impulse
response statistics and the optimal step-size vector is obtained by minimizing the mean-square deviation(MSD). In comparison with NSAF, the VSS-NSAF algorithm has faster convergence speed and lower MSD. To reduce the computational complexity of VSSNSAF, the VSS selective partial update NSAF (VSS-SPU-NSAF) is proposed where the filter coefficients are partially updated in each subband at every iteration. We demonstrated the good performance of the proposed algorithms in convergence speed and steady-state MSD for a system identification set-up.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |
Signal Processing Received: 2013/01/28 | Revised: 2013/03/18 | Accepted: 2013/03/18