Abstract: (5586 Views)
Class-AB circuits, which are able to deal with currents several orders of magnitude larger than their quiescent current, are good candidates for low-power and high slew-rate analog design. This paper presents a novel topology of a class AB flipped voltage follower (FVF) that has better slew rate and the same power consumption as the conventional class-AB FVF buffer previously presented in literature. It is thus suitable for low-voltage and low-power stages requiring low bias currents. These buffers have been simulated using 0.5µm CMOS Technology models provided by IBM. The buffer consumes 20µA from a 0.9V supply and has a bandwidth of 50MHz with a 18pF load. It has a slew rate of 9.8V/µs and power consumption of 42µw
Type of Study:
Research Paper |
Microelectronics Received: 2013/08/07 | Revised: 2014/03/15 | Accepted: 2014/03/12